And the winner for the most breathtaking fashion show ever is…..Fendi! The Italian fashion house celebrates its 90th anniversary this year, and for this special occasion the famous luxury brand staged one of its most amazing fashion shows ever for it’s couture fall/winter 2016-2017 collection last week. The runway was basically a clear plexiglass stretching across Rome’s iconic Trevi Fountain, which marked the first-ever fashion show to take place at the Italian landmark. This year the collection’s theme was ‘Legends and Fairytales’. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. Congrats! 😉

Fendi walking on water
- Post published:July 11, 2016
- Post category:designer / fashion / kollekció / style / divattervező
Tags: kifutó, kollekció, modellek, évforduló, divatbemutató, divatház, couture, 2016, 2017, olasz, Fendi, divatshow, Róma, Olaszország, Trevi kút